Academic Specialties
California Civil Procedure Professor William Slomanson

Our world is changing rapidly.


And our world-class faculty at Thomas Jefferson School of Law stays ahead of the curve in the areas of law relating to technological change, globalization and the transformation of our social order.


The academic specialties we offer at TJSL are among our greatest strengths – Intellectual Property Law, International Business, Investment & Trade, Sports Law, Legal Practice Specialty, Human Rights Specialty, Criminal Law Specialty, Policy & Jurisdiction, Civil Rights & Liberties and Family Law.


Our faculty is comprised of amazingly productive scholars who bring years of valuable professional experience to the classroom and to these academic specialties. They regularly supervise directed study projects in these specialty areas in which students pursue their own ideas and interests. The faculty often involve students in their own scholarly research projects.


Complemented by our four Centers for Academic Excellence and an unusually high level of speaker programming, Thomas Jefferson School of Law’s academic specialties offer stimulating and comprehensive training for new attorneys who want to practice in these cutting edge areas.