Published: August 28, 2014 share

Congratulations to the ABA Young Lawyers Division’s newly elected secretary, and future Chair of the Division, TJSL Alumna Anna Romanskaya ‘07.

Romanskaya, whose candidacy was endorsed by attorneys across the country, won the election by a landslide and will serve as the ABA Young Division’s secretary for the 2014-2015 bar year after which she will ascend to Chair the Division for the 2016-2017 bar year.  

The Young Lawyers Division is comprised of ABA members under 36 years old or admitted to practice for five years or less and provides unique resources to young attorneys. Known as the largest young lawyer organization in the world, the ABA YLD sponsors events, publications, public service projects, and ultimately provides great opportunities for young lawyer. In addition to organizing ABA activities the YLD links its members to over 300 young lawyer organizations around the globe. 

Romanskaya’s talent, leadership and work ethic has been recognized on multiple occasions by various agencies, most recently by her inclusion in the Top 10 Attorneys under the age of 40 by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys, Inc.

Currently a partner at Stark & D’Ambrosio, LLP, Romanskaya’s dedication to the ABA began early and has continued throughout her career, “I have been active with the ABA since law school where I was an ABA Representative and a Lieutenant Governor of Public Interest for the 9th Circuit of the Law Student Division. I am also a past president of the SDCBA New Lawyer Division.”  

Romanskaya summed her campaign proposals under a slogan of “Relationships, Relevance and Resilience.” “The legal profession is one of service, and the ABA is the national source. It is my goal to help young lawyers develop strategic relationships, hone their relevance, and practice with resilience. I am very excited and humbled by the opportunity to serve our profession in this capacity,” Romanskaya said.