TJSL alumni volunteered at the San Diego Food Bank on Thursday, January 23, 2014 through the Thomas Jefferson School of Law Alumni Board's Community OutReach Experience (CORE).
“It was a lot of fun and we helped bag 4,400 lbs of oranges for families!” said TJSL Alumni Board Member Michael Jonas ‘09.
​Michael Jonas and Amanda Thompson are the Co-Chairs of the CORE Committee and are proud of the good things that the Community OutReach Experience has done.
Last year CORE held a Halloween Party for homeless youth at Father Joe's St. Vincent de Paul's Shelter, joined with PILF to collect holiday gifts for three families through Adopt a Family programs and volunteered at a Padre's game fundraiser for Big Brother Big Sister.
To learn more about future events and volunteer opportunities organized by C.O.R.E., please contact Alumni, faculty, staff, and current students are all invited to get involved.